Tired of Losing Money?
Our goal is to help you navigate the markets and make more money in the process. We're all about helping you capture the upside while protecting against downside.
Confused by the Markets?
Macro is actually not complicated. But you need the right frameworks to put all that economic data into context. Let us show you how to master the markets!
Want an "Edge"?
Unlike other research, we don't tell you what to think. We teach you how to think. After a month of consuming our research, you'll know more than most pros.
Welcome to Invictus
Invictus Research, LLC is a provider of macroeconomic and market strategy research to institutional and retail clients. Our goal is to give you hedge fund quality research at an affordable price point.
Everyone who's invested in the stock market knows what it's like to be confused; like the market is random and you have no control over your portfolio. In fact, many professionals feel that way. The good news is: You don't need to feel that way anymore. Our research will help you:
- Learn how the economy drives the behavior of the four liquid asset markets
- Never be confused by economic/market jargon again
- Learn industry secrets used by the most successful hedge funds in the world
- Develop a massive edge over other financial market participants
- Understand what the "business cycle" means and how to take advantage of it
At Invictus, we bring data, back-testing, and structure to a discipline that has gone too long without it. And instead of delivering our research through boring, 100-page PowerPoints, we deliver our research over video, right to your inbox.
See here for more information about our research process and philosophy. Click here for our free Macro Handbook.
I have questions!
What will I get out of Invictus?
You will learn how the best hedge fund managers analyze economies and markets. You will understand how the economic machine works, and how it drives asset prices across markets (stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies). And, ideally, you'll make a lot more money over time while sidestepping volatility clusters (big drawdowns). If you've always wanted to get smarter on the economy and the markets but never knew how, this is the product suite for you.
Who is Invictus Research for?
Anyone who wants to learn about using the business cycle to make money. And just as importantly, how to not lose money in down markets. Our clients run the gamut, from hedge funds to financial planners to individual investors. Our research is not for pikers, blamers, or complainers. It's also not for people looking for comprehensive news coverage. We cover relevant news and provide analysis. That's it.
How is Invictus different from other economic research/financial media?
Invictus is all about simplifying the complex. Global macro has produced some of the worst, most overcomplicated research on Wall Street. It's mostly jargon and posturing. Even other professional don't like it. The reality is that the economy and the financial markets are relatively simple. You just need someone to help you through it. That's where we come in.
I think the product is too expensive!
Our mission is to make hedge fund quality research available to everyone. That said, it's still an investment. It's for serious people. Our goal is to give you the knowledge and the resources to invest like a professional. And that really is priceless.
I'm sold, what's the best deal?
Check out our Research Combo deal here.
It includes all three research products (Daily Edge, Weekly Trade Ideas, Monthly Market Outlook) for ~15% off. Comparable research from the Street would be upward of $5,000/year, so you're getting a massive discount! And our research is better.

A Letter from Your Host
Dear Subscriber,
I'm Mike Singleton, Senior Analyst at Invictus. Since you will see me hosting most of the video presentations within our product suite, I wanted to introduce myself and provide some background on my experience and education.
I studied finance and theology at the University of Notre Dame, where I graduated summa cum laude. After graduating, I had the opportunity to work for several years with Broad Run Investment Management, where I spent most of my time conducting deep, fundamental diligence on the highest quality companies I could find.
Since then, most of my time has been spent researching the economy at-large and its relationship with the liquid asset markets. There is a massive hole in the research market for timely, thoughtful, and accessible macroeconomic research. That's why I got involved at Invictus.
I also want to thank the incredible team of people behind the scenes at Invictus, who make all of our research possible. I am truly grateful.
Mike Singleton, CFA